NOTE:The site will return soon, maybe in a few days and will be run by the team. I am taking a long break to see if this stuff is even worth my time anymore.

I am sorry to say that PSX Fanatics is closed down. For how long I am not sure. Today was supposed to be a good day with the PCSX2 being released, but it seems a few people saw it otherwise. Some complained about the site becoming a hype machine only interested in hits and to be famous. This is so far from the truth it is not even funny. I have close ties will all the Playstation Emulation authors and even good friends with most. Posting posting about PCSX2 over the past week was not ment to hype anything, but to inform people of the new emulator in development. People claimed I kept the authors a secret to further that hype. This is nothing but bullshit, I didn't tell anyone who was developing it because they requested it that way, until they were ready with the release. As for wanting hits, just to let everyone know I don't get anything for hits. I don't have banners, I don't have pop ups, i don't have a counter, and I DO pay out of my own pocket each month to keep the site running this way (without the banners, popups). Also people claiming that we are just like DCEmulation makes me sick. As for being famous, I really could less about it. From the PSX Scene standpoint people already know about us, there is nothing to be famous about. I am just so sick of all the crap that I have seen as of late from various people around the scene. People bashing the emu and the authors efforts, because it is not technicaly challenging in their eyes. At least show the authors some respect, I know they deserve that much. They have worked hard on PCSX for years and are very respected throughout the scene. I am just so tired of all the crap and people assuming so much, when they really have no clue. So I am taking a break, for how long who knows, and I highly doubt people even care. I am just tired of trying to defend myself and this site, and explaining myself over and over again, and some other things that do not need to be discussed here.

I will fix up the Linux Site, the Support site and what's done of the Development site as stand alone sites so my fellow team members can continue with their work
if they want.

Well there goes another high quality emulation source down the drain.
