#!/usr/bin/perl # ############################################################################### # # MAIL Q-TIP: Lets you get a better idea for what your mail statistics # are for your site, if you get a lot of mail. # Uses the "mailq" program of Sendmail. # # Written by Jason Scott. Version 1.0. Released June 9, 2000. # ############################################################################### ## ## SETTINGS FOR THIS SCRIPT FOR YOUR SPECIFIC SITE ## Modify them for your stuff. # Set the least amount of mail queued you want on the top list. $lowerlimit=20; # Where do all the HTML files go? $outputdirect="/var/website"; # What name do you want to report all your mail as coming from? $mailhost="SMTP.COW.NET"; # Set the color scheme to be different if you don't dig my choices. $text="#FFFFFF"; # The foreground text (default white) $back="#550000"; # The document backgrounds (default red) $head="#000000"; # The header background (default black) $info="#440000"; # The error backgrounds (default dark red) $name="#220000"; # The hostname backgrounds (default darker red) # What font would you like to be the font everything is in? $font="Arial"; ## END OF SETTINGS ## No modifications should be necessary for this script to function below. ############################################################################### ## Shave and a Haircut ## This subroutine takes a typical recipient line and turns it into a host. ## It gets called tons. sub shave { $recipient =~ s/\>//g; $recipient =~ s/\$outputdirect/index.html"); print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "Mail Queue Statistics for $mailhost
\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Top Problem Hosts\n"; print INDEX "
Last Updated on $date\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Click Here for a Complete List\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; open (HOSTS,">$outputdirect/hosts.html"); print HOSTS "\n"; print HOSTS "\n"; print HOSTS "
\n"; print HOSTS "\n"; print HOSTS "Mail Queue Statistics for $mailhost
\n"; print HOSTS "
\n"; print HOSTS "Top Problem Hosts\n"; print HOSTS "
Last Updated on $date\n"; print HOSTS "
\n"; print HOSTS "\n"; print HOSTS "
\n"; ## Read in the MailQ results. while() { if(/^[a-zA-Z0-9]/) { $holder=0; @line = split(); $recipient=$line[6]; if ("$recipient" eq "" ) { $holder=1; } # Do something here where you count the messages. $messages++; } #elsif($holder) { # This routine is designed so that if the recipient is null, then # mark a "HOLDER" and the next time an address goes by, snag it. Unless # of course the next major mail line goes through. # The problem rests in somehow making the setup such that it will only do # the additions to the totals once a mail recipient is discovered. # Not there yet, but at least the info is being grabbed. # if (/@/) { # @host=split(/@/); # $host[1]=~ s/\>//g; # print "OTHER RECIPIENT: $host[1]\n"; # $holder=0; # } # } elsif(/\(*\)/) { # Lose the requests lines if (/requests/) { } # Do something here where you keep track of what the reason for dying is. elsif (/onnection timed out with/) { $cto++; @host=split(/with/); $host[1] =~ s/\)//; $host[1] =~ s/ //g; chomp($host[1]); $mailhosts{$host[1]}++; $timeouts{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/onnection reset/) { $cr++; @host=split(/by/); $host[1] =~ s/\)//; $host[1] =~ s/ //g; chomp($host[1]); $mailhosts{$host[1]}++; $connectionreset{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/onnection refused/) { $crf++; @host=split(/by/); $host[1] =~ s/\)//; $host[1] =~ s/ //g; chomp($host[1]); $mailhosts{$host[1]}++; $connectionrefused{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/host map/) { $hm++; @check=split(/\(/); $check[2] =~ s/\)//; @host=split(/:/,$check[2]); $host[0] =~ s/ //g; chomp($host[0]); $mailhosts{$host[0]}++; $domainlookup{$host[0]}++; } elsif (/host name lookup/) { $hm++; @check=split(/\(/); $check[2] =~ s/\)//; @host=split(/:/,$check[2]); $host[0] =~ s/ //g; chomp($host[2]); $mailhosts{$host[0]}++; $domainlookup{$host[0]}++; } # These errors have to use the most recently sent recipient to figure # out what the host was. elsif (/not send/) { $nb++; shave(); $unsent{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/I\/O/) { $io++; shave(); $ioerror{$host[1]}++ } elsif (/[Ii]nsufficient/) { $ds++; shave(); $outofdisk{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/[Nn]ot [Ee]nough [Ss]pace/) { $ds++; shave(); $outofdisk{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/oute to ho/) { $ho++; shave(); $noroute{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/roken pip/) { $bp++; shave(); $brokenpipe{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/read error/) { $re++; shave(); $readerrors{$host[1]}++; } elsif (/[Ii]llegal [Ss]eek/) { $re++; shave(); $readerrors{$host[1]}++; } else { $weird++; print "Unknown Error: $_\n"; } } } close(MAILQ); print "\n"; print "==============================\n"; print "TOP LIST OF HOSTS AND MESSAGES\n"; print "==============================\n"; foreach $hosts(sort{$mailhosts{$b} <=> $mailhosts{$a} } keys %mailhosts ) { $totalhosts++; # Sorry, forgot the right way to do this if($mailhosts{$hosts} > $lowerlimit) { ## Put it in the INDEX.HTML file... Start it here so optional lines get added. print INDEX "
$hosts\n"; if ("$hosts" eq "" ) { print INDEX "(unknown host)\n"; } print INDEX "$mailhosts{$hosts}\n"; print "$hosts.."; print "($mailhosts{$hosts} messages).\n"; if ($timeouts{$hosts}) { print " Timeouts: $timeouts{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Host Timeouts\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$timeouts{$hosts}\n"; } if ($connectionreset{$hosts}) { print " Reset Connections: $connectionreset{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Reset Connections\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$connectionreset{$hosts}\n"; } if ($connectionrefused{$hosts}) { print " Refused Connections: $connectionrefused{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Refused Connections\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$connectionrefused{$hosts}\n"; } if ($domainlookup{$hosts}) { print " Domain Lookup Failure: $domainlookup{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Domain Lookup Failure\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$domainlookup{$hosts}\n"; } if ($ioerror{$hosts}) { print " Host I/O Failure: $ioerror{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Host I/O Failure\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$ioerror{$hosts}\n"; } if ($noroute{$hosts}) { print " No Route to Host: $noroute{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "No Route to Host\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$noroute{$hosts}\n"; } if ($brokenpipe{$hosts}) { print " Broken Pipe: $brokenpipe{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Broken Pipe to Host\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$brokenpipe{$hosts}\n"; } if ($readerrors{$hosts}) { print " Read Error: $readerrors{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Network Read Errors\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$readerrors{$hosts}\n"; } if ($unsent{$hosts}) { print " Waiting to Resend: $unsent{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Waiting 4 Hours to Resend\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$unsent{$hosts}\n"; } if ($outofdisk{$hosts}) { print " Out of Storage Space: $outofdisk{$hosts}\n"; print INDEX "
 \n"; print INDEX "Out of Storage Space\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "$outofdisk{$hosts}\n"; } } } print "\n"; print "===============================\n"; print "FULL LIST OF HOSTS AND MESSAGES\n"; print "===============================\n"; foreach $hosts(sort(keys(%mailhosts))) { print HOSTS "
$hosts\n"; if ("$hosts" eq "" ) { print HOSTS "(unknown host)\n"; } print HOSTS "$mailhosts{$hosts}\n"; print "$hosts.."; print "($mailhosts{$hosts} messages).\n"; } print "\n"; print "===================================\n"; print "Total Different Hosts: $totalhosts\n"; print "===================================\n"; print "Total Reset Connections: $cr\n"; print "Total Timeouts: $cto\n"; print "Total Refused connections: $crf\n"; print "Total Hostname Lookup Failures: $hm\n"; print "Total Still Unsent: $nb\n"; print "Input/Output Errors: $io\n"; print "Out of Disk Space: $ds\n"; print "No Route to Host: $ho\n"; print "Broken Pipe: $bp\n"; print "Read Errors: $re\n"; print "Stuff I didn't figure out: $weird\n\n"; $total=$cr+$cto+$crf+$hm+$nb+$io+$ds+$ho+$bp+$re+$weird; print "Total Screwups Figured Out:"; print $total; print "\nTotal Messages: $messages\n"; ## Do it again, now for Index.HTML. print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print INDEX "General Mail Queue Statistics for $mailhost
 \n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Total Different Hosts $totalhosts\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Total Reset Connections: $cr\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Total Timeouts: $cto\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Total Refused connections: $crf\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Total Hostname Lookup Failures: $hm\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Total Still Unsent: $nb\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Input/Output Errors: $io\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Out of Disk Space: $ds\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "No Route to Host: $ho\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Broken Pipe: $bp\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Read Errors: $re\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Stuff I didn't figure out: $weird\n\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Total Screwups Figured Out:"; print INDEX "$total\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "Total Queued Messages: $messages\n"; print INDEX "
\n"; ## Close out the INDEX.HTML file. print INDEX "
\n"; print INDEX "\n"; print HOSTS "\n"; print HOSTS "\n";